Friday, April 11, 2008


Berbekalkan semangat kekuatan yang ada dan dorongan sahabat2 didalam umno. Saya mengambil tanggungjawab ini akan cuba dan terus mengubah ketidak tentuan yang ada dalam kepimpinan UMNO sekarang ini khususnya di bahagian Rembau.
Khairy Jamalludin seorang yang saya hormati sebelum ini, juga kami dari grassroot amat berharap kepada kepimpinan beliau. Tetapi saya amat sedih dan terkilan setelah teguran yang kami cuba sampaikan sejak tahun 2006 lagi dipandang sepi oleh beliau malahan kami dipandang sebagai penderhaka dan musuh kepada beliau. sejak itu kumpulan kami dianggap tak diperlukan lagi. berbagai tuduhan dan tohmahan dilemparkan kepada kami, sedangkan teguran dan kritikan yang kami buat itu untuk kebaikan dan kepentingan perpaduan dalam parti.

Saya amat berharap sokongan dari rakan2 perjuangan yang inginkan perubahan didalam UMNO pemuda khususnya. Tugas yang saya dan sahabat lakukan ini bukan satu kerja mudah.
Saya berpendapat cuma UMNO sendiri yang boleh mengubah hala tuju Politik UMNO. Kekalahan di banyak kawasan UMNO di pru 12 yang lepas mengajar kita erti politik dan perjuangan yang bagaimana kah yang di inginkan oleh ramai orang dan juga warga parti sendiri.
justeru itu kami WARGA PEMUDA REMBAU perlukan satu titik tolak perubahan.

Terima Kasih sokongan dari sahabat2.
Sama-samalah kita berdoa dan restu supaya pembaharuan dapat di lakukan.

terima kasih


komeng said...

elok bona tu... kok yang lain tu pengocut... teruskan syabas

Umno Garang said...

teruskan niat murni saudara tu..selamat maju jaya

Anonymous said...

semua orang boleh komen

Anonymous said...

Teruskan Perjuangan anda menegakkan kebenaran "TAKBIR".

Tumbangkan Kejahatan.
tegakkan kebaikan.

Tumbangkan penipuan.
tegakkan kebenaran.

Tumbangkan kejahilan.
Tegakkan Kearifan.

Put more beb lets ve know.

Anonymous said...

bagus kau jang jgn bagi can balun sampai dio begambus dari rombau.Kalau kau nak apo22 bantuan contek den.tak menureh mangkok hayun tu kau longtung yo Kj tu.anak sapo kau ni.

dr butiq

Anonymous said...

Jom kita sama-sama berjuang... kita rapatkan barisan... singkirkan orang yang merosakkan UMNO selama ini!!!!

Lawat saya di

Ada maklumatm kita kongsi bersama!!!

Anonymous said...

tahniah pahlawan melayu! agak2 si KJ ni pakat dgn Anwar nak jahanamkan UMNO & BN kot....

hisommudin said...

Saya difahamkan oleh salah seorang sahabat di Rembau, KJ ini tak pernah dengar ambil pandangan suara pemuda cawangan. Lebih menyedihkan nama ketua cawangan pun dia tak kenal...Betul ke?

Anonymous said...

jangan takut dan teruskan perjuangan mu dan rakan2 mu juga...
berani kerana benar...

Rosmerah said...

Hobin man hobin,den akan sentiasa bersama mu

Anonymous said...

Saya menyokong usaha saudara ini - diharapkan ianya berjaya dan agen Singapura ini akan dihumban masuk ke Selat Tebrau
- Belia Benci Khairy

Wan Omar Mahmud said...

"Bercakap Benarpun Salah?" ada di sini
silalah jenguk

Anonymous said...

kalau nak umno ini musnah,kalau nak BN kalah dengan lebih teruk dlm PRU akan datang,biarkan lah menantu paklah tu nenjadi pemimpin dan bermaharajalela dlm umno ni.
Kalau sayangkan umno,sayangkan orang melayu,manusia ini mesti dihalang,mesti dikalahkan,mesti ditumbangkan di peringkat akar umbi lagi.
Siapa dia KJ ni??datang dari mana?tiba2 muncul setelah kawin dgn anak paklah..dan terus mewakili rakyat Rembau!!
Kita harus tahu dah brp lama dia jd ahli umno? dah brp lama dia tinggal diRembau? dah brp lama dia duduk diMalaysia? Dah berapa kali PRU dia berkempen utk umno,menolong umno dan berjuang dlm umno? Pernah ke dia jd grassroot pasang bendera,pasang poster?Dia bermula dari bawah ke dgn menjadi AJK pemuda cawangan ke? Tahu ke dia ni kehidupan masyarakat Rembau terutama dari kampung2? Faham ke dia ni adat2 orang Rembau?Perihatin ke dia tentang budi bahasa org2 Rembau?
Kalau dia tak ada dan tak tahu dan tak pernah mengalami perkara2 spt ini layak ke dia ni nak jadi Pemimpin di Rembau ni, boleh ke dia nak jd pemimpin di Negeri 9 ni,patut ke dia jd pemimpin diMalaysia ni??
Dengan sikap sombong,bongkak,ego,riak,tidak boleh ditegur demi kebaikan,ini kah yg pemuda umno nak?? ini kah yg org Rembau nak?
Sejak dia jd ketua pemuda bah Rembau,apa sumbangan yg di telah buat terutama kpd pemuda umno Rembau sendiri,mana dia kooperasi yg telah dilaung2kan dan yg telah di janjikan dulu? buka pusat tuition emas pun tutup!!apa lagi nyg dia pernah buat selama 4 tahun ni??TAK ADO...
Dia nak jd pemimpin hanya untuk berkuasa saja,utuk mengumpulkan harta dan wang ringgit saja,bukan berjuang utk umno dan orang2 melayu,bukan berjuang utk kemajuan orang Rembau,dia cuma nak jadikan orang Rembau ni sebagai'keldai' utk ditunggangi bagi pergi lebih jauh dan lebih berkuasa dalam agenda politik dia.Dia hanya jd kan grassroot diRembau ni untuk mengankat dia keatas,yg bodoh kita grassroot diRembau dipijak oleh Kj utk dia keatas..
Renung2kan dan selamat beramal!!

Anonymous said...

Bolasah jo jang budak kj tu ,ada kawan kau bagi resepilak kek kj, kek blok eh boto gak cakap eh tu cubolah lawat blok dio tu........

SYAHAMIN said...


Dulu, korang BUTA, sekarang baru CELIK!!! Sejak bilo budak KJ tuh jadi orang REMBAU? sejak bilo engko pilih dia jadi ketua pemuda REMBAU? dan sejak BILA KJ tuh masuk UMNO? KJ tuh orang SINGAPURA... ko nengok arrr... sekarang SINGAPURA BANYAK SUKA SAMA ITU PAKLAH dan KJ TERUS MENERUS BERSORAK WALAUPUN KAMPUNG MOYANGNYA TERGADAI... Janji KJ bahagio....

Cikgu Din Sakura said...

Eloklah belajar2 buat blog. Ajak pemuda/i AMNO sumer buat blog. Jangan tertinggal lagi maklumat terkini sudahlah.

Muzamir Hj Ismail said...

Salam Perjuangan Dari Pemuda UMNO Taiping, Teruskan Perjuangan wahai sahabat kami sentiasa memberi sokongan.

Pemuda UMNO Taiping

Anonymous said...

Khairy Jamaluddin pro zionis perlu di nyah dari UMNO! TOLAK Melayu YAHUDI INI SELAMANYA!

Abafahim said...


Pls update info. Semangat sahaja tak cukup. Ilmu kena mantap. Perancangan kena teliti. Anyway, your determination is commendable. Sedagho den ponoh kek rantau tu.

Anonymous said...

Go all the way brader!....tolak pemimpin yang guna politik kuasa dan pengaruh untuk buat isi duit poket sendiri..! kembalikan semangat pemimpin UMNO seperti dulu!

Anonymous said...

Our current malay generation is racist now because they desperately want to hang on to privileges which I frankly believe it slowly causing the malay race to rot away and become a pathetic race on crutches dependent.

I think that malays are the most stupid idiots on earth - they might have big sized bodies bud in their heads, but they have puny brains.

Thus coming to the conclusion that they are the most stupid black blocks on earth - they are coloured black and stink like a garbage dump.

Does malays ever think twice about their religious? What if yours believe is not what you think!

You malays will rape anybody just for sexual pleasure. You didn't read about the malay who raped his own sister?

Not only that! They yell 5 times per day and expect to go to heaven! After committing so many sins like steal, rape, killing!

Malays are so stupid that deserve to be robbed by their own government. They in fact deserve to be raped as well. Maybe we were better off as British rule Malaysia after all.

Malays are jealous of Chinese, that is why they hate them. Americans are not jealous of Chinese, because they don't need tongkat. They buy a lot of Chinese goods. If they hate, they would have boycott the products. Bodoh!

Oh! Bodoh! Only blind man needs tongkat.

If Americans don't hate the malays, why is there so much bad press against Mahathir when he scolded the Americans? You malays are brainless and never read the newspaper. Everyday special rights here and there……….still like your tongkat so much!

You go to American Embassy and see which country now is blacklisted? Did they blacklist Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong?

Even the Japanese look down upon the malays because they are just a bunch of fool, corrupt, lazy person who feed on the Chinese income tax for their existence.

The malays want to produce as many pig babies as they want, but doesn't teach them what is honesty, hardworking, civilisation!

Anonymous said...

I am totally agree what you have said, those moron malays have no sense of 'malu'. For example, I find that most of those malay pig creature are dirty and smelly, but they still walking around proudly with that stinking and ugly look.

Another example is most of them are poor, they can't afford a big luxury car. When they saw Chinese or Indian driving a big car, they are feeling distress and jealous.

What a loser! Hey non-malays can afford a big car without depend on NEP policy. But you pathetic malay pig can't afford it even though with NEP policy help. Loser malay pig!

Anonymous said...

Ask all malay pig go back to Indonesia.

The malay pig make Malaysia become rubbish country. Without malay pig in Malaysia - Malaysia country will become same as Singapore or Taiwan.

Where malay pig came from? Indonesia? Arab? Africa? What happened to our Orang Asli? They are the original settlers here, they should be the true real bumiputras. Not the babiputras we have here.

What is wrong with the babiputras? Highest crime rates, highest divorce rates, highest number of criminals, highest number of drug users, highest number of rapists.

A genetically flawed race (babiputras) cannot be fixed by politically.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay pig to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

It makes no difference whether I am a Chinese, Indian or for that matter, anyone else, even a Mat Salleh. I am speaking as a human being to a malay pig like you.

If you malay pig don't like the non-malays here, then go back to Sumatra, Jawa, or wherever your ancestors came from, and give this land back to its rightful master, the Orang Asli.

If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malay pig taking the east, and the west to the Chinese and the Indians - watch that the malay pig starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.

It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia.

You know something - once outside the perimeters of Malaysia, these malay pig are so small in value even a dog has more value than them!

Everything in Malaysia is a joke when it comes to the malay pig. They are laughed at by everyone in this world for being incompetent, lazy, useless morons.

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malay pig from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia.

Anonymous said...

I feel I am not very comfortable with Indonesia. The government, when think of it, it is also quite funny.

First, they don't want Chinese to be in their country. Good, kill Chinese and get them out of the country. After when they are no Chinese in Indonesia, now look at the country - A junk country. Useless currency, the country is overpopulated with uneducated peoples.

No more Chinese in Indonesia mean no one do business there. Because 70% of the economy are control by Chinese. In addition, majority of the companies are own and run by Chinese.

And you? You are just a person filled with racial jealousy. Proof? Why should we prove anything to you? We are a prosperous and rich race, I couldn't care less if dirt crawler like you don't believe it. Back to the hole you came from!

Malay, you are in denial. You want evidence? Just open your eyes and see! All around you, in China, in Indonesia, in the TV, on the street, everywhere! Chinese are superior money makers!

Ha……….it is not about boosting our ego. I mean why would we have to? We have so much to be proud of already. It is a matter of truth.

I am sorry if you can't take the reality that malays aren't the ones who control a good
amount of economy in South-East Asia. But it is not like you don't have anything to be proud of.

I am not thinking that our race is the best. I am talking the truth. Look at Indonesia before the riot, the country is stable and well. But after they have thrown all the Chinese away, the country has fallen. And lots of poor peoples there. The logic is already able to tell you.

Hahaha! Despite living in Malaysia, I already have second home in Perth. Why should I must live in Malaysia! What a fool!

I will pay loyalty to Australia. Why should I pay my loyalty to country like Malaysia which only care about their own ass malays? Where Chinese are treated as second class citizens there!

Why should I care about your people, and also I don't care about your people anymore. Because I am spending more time live at Australia. One day you will see your country become a second Iraq and collapse. You will see the time will come.

Malay, stop your stupid thinking. The truth is the truth. One more thing, you make the laugh when I think of, you can't even compete with the Chinese! Most Chinese think that your kind is crook. If you know where what I mean.

Your anti Chinese thinking will never improve your people. You should look into yourself before you insult other races.

You can't even compete with the Chinese, my friend. We are everywhere. Doing business, earning money. Anti Chinese is always anti China. Every word is against the China. Even China become superpower, you will find something to say China is bad. Ha!

It is extremely unwise for a Chinese to flaunt his wealth in Indonesia. He should have kept quiet about his wealth and stash away his money in a hidden Swiss Bank account.

A country is poor because of its own faults, don't blame others. China was extremely poor until the 1980s when it decided to drop its arrogant ideal and open its economy.

For example, if you want to be rich. What are you going to do? Of course, think logic and hard working. That is how a businessman will success. Don't blame anyone else if you are poor. Blame yourself for not smarter enough and work harder to be rich.

This is different - Chinese success in Indonesia, where the malays start killing Chinese is because of jealousy. And Indonesians should stop blaming Chinese for monopolizing the economy, because Indonesians themselves are quite lazy compared with ethnic Chinese.

What do you expect, his Indonesia homeland is weak and the peoples are poor. His culture stays in the bottom of the world. Maybe he should look into himself before commenting other races. What a shame!

But come on, Chinese culture is obviously superior to those countries in South-East Asia such as the Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines.

China has had an ancient civilization and a long commercial tradition. It is no coincidence that Chinese have uniformly dominated the economies of this region for so long. It is a cultural difference, not a racial one.

If Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines adopt Chinese culture and become Chinese way, they would be just as successfully. It is a matter of cultural values and a certain worldview.

Anonymous said...

According to a recent study through secret agency, Nihon Himitsu Oruganitsum Bureau, shows that malays were descended from the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon, hence explains why they look like baboon and they don't eat pork.

Our latest DNA analysis confirmed the fact.

The Japanese, Europeans etc, all eat pork, so does that mean they are all dirty and only the malays and Arabs are clean?

These malays have no brains to think properly.

The secret agency study also finds that Muslims are more violent, lazy, cunning and barbaric due to the lack of pork in their meal and the wrong doctrine.

They had been misled by Quran for generations which was copied and twisted by Muhammad from Holy Bible just to control his followers so that they don't harm their same species/ancestor (the hybrid between hog/boar and baboon).

Anonymous said...

Yes, a lot of non-malays in Malaysia are leaving this country. But what the hell, they (babiputras) don't care. They are happy that we leave.

I do agree with you of those you mentioned, our country is stepping backward, we are loosing in all aspects and yet overdue and retarded ministers are still available on shelf. The ministers think that they are the only ones capable and qualified to be there and not replaceable, otherwise the country could collapse.

Looking at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq likes looking at this country future. The well connected babiputras are getting richer. This government is spoon feeding the babiputras at this nation expense. I am sick of this country too.

My advise is let them rot in their own stew.

The Barisan government has achieved 0% in reversing the trend of racism.

While South Africa has disbanded racism through the government's initiative after the global news onslaught, our government leaders are propagating RACISM and FACISM in every way.

In term of racism, we are the most uncivilised country in the world. Look into our neighbouring countries of Asia, they are advancing economically on a straight forward objective, for their citizens.

Whereas we are moving in deviationist path, widely off the international economic theory for the sole objective, of propelling the well being of a supreme race.

Mahathir era is over, here we have Badawi. Is he changing the trend? Not a single sign of it.

How about the future under Najib? Sad, sad. They have more camouflage in readiness.

Hey, you pathetic cow and all the babiputras who have the same feeling/thinking like them. You don't feel shame being spoon feed by government using the taxpayers money?

I guess all the protection policy make you all even more lazy and narrow minded and stupid. The majority of you once step out of the Malaysia soil will sure starve to death.

Hoy, I think you should try some pork meat once a while to make you more intelligent a bit. Look at around the world region, anti pork meat countries are mostly rippled with starving and war or worst, non-stop crying for government policy protection.

Fact is fact when you babiputras are stupid is always stupid - although it can be help by consistent protection and nourishment policy but the end result will not go far because the quality of gene is there.

Abafahim said...

Orang melayu dah puas baca ke komen2 kat atas ni? Puas hati ke? Extremist2 diatas ni minta shabeery chik perhatikan! kalau kat singapore dah kena penjara. Malaysia pun ada akta hasutan. Aku cabar penama2 kat atas tu hantar komen-komen tu kat blog aku. Kalau dia buat kat blog aku, aku buat laporan polis. Extremist2 kat atas ni dari vesewe sampai oversee berani cakap sebab bangsa dia menang banyak dan ramai orang2 melayu yang kononnya educated dan kononnya sudah 'matang' menyokong perjuangan DAP. Tak pernah lagi aku dengar bangsa2 lain minta hak2 orang melayu dipertahankan.

Bro, kau kena update pandangan kau, apa aspirasi kau? ulasan isu2 semasa pada pandangan kau. Apa perancangan2 kau? Maka, orang boleh menilai potensi kau.

Abafahim said...

Entah2 kau pun check blog kau!

Abafahim said...

entah2 kau pun tak check blog kau.

Abafahim said...

Yang kat atas tu dari vesewe sampai ke oversee, kalu lu brani letak lu punya identiti skali kalau posting komen kat blog aku.

Anonymous said...

Biarkan diorang melalut. They do not understand the malays. The only race that cannot be subdued by any past and present imperialists. The Moro of Mindanao fought 14 wars with USA and USA never won a single war, the acehnese are never conquered and the Pattani malays are still very resilient to this day. They do not understand that there was no borders in the malay archipelago then. They imperialists invent borders and immigration. They also brought along the pendatang asing to harass our tranquality. They do not comprehend the word "amuk" came from the malay vocabulary. Sure they will not dare to display their identity. Sembunyi tangan lepas membaling batu. Off course they are easily identifiable.

Anonymous said...

manusia racist mcm ni yang menjahanamkan bangsa dia sendiri...
lepas tu tak berani nak letak identiti

Rosmerah said...

Kalau banyak sangat makan babi itulah jadinya ,otak pun macam babi berambuslah dari malaysia ni,malaysia tak perlu orang yang perkauman macam lu orang mengabihkan boreh jo.............

zigzag said...

Hapeh diaorg ini memang mcm ni,tak sedar diuntung,perangai diaorg ni memang mcm anjing,dan lebih kotor daripada babi yg diorg dok lahap hari-hari.
Hey,u stupid idiots,ur are not belong to this country,get out!!!
This is 'Tanah Melayu'anyway..

Anonymous said...

azman pelacur politik rembau dia telah di bayar untuk semua kegiatan macam dia hanya boleh buek umpan buaya .aku rasa bauya pun tak nak pasal badan dia penuh najis

Anonymous said...

hai si bapak tiri kau tau ke sape itu pelacur politik n aku nak nbukti azman dah di bayar.aku rasa kau yg pelacur politik n di bayar oleh kj.... kalau main tuduh n tak de bukti kau lah manusia yg paling busuk dari segala bangkai yg ada...