Tuesday, May 20, 2008

TUN perjuangan belum sudah.

Terkejut dengan berita Tun...

Ramai yang cuba mengupas isu ini memberi pandangan, kritikan tak kurang juga yang mencerca...

Apa pun TUN tak seharus nya dilupakan disisihkan. Jasa dan perjuangan beliau amat besar seperti pemimpin terdahulu.
Amatlah tidak betul seorang pemuda seperti KJ yang tidak panjang sejarah politik dan sejarah perjuangan nya mengkritik TUN yang membawa pembangunan Malaysia selama lebih 22tahun.

Hari ni kita melihat kebawah diakar umbi masih belum nampak tanda2 ketua2 pemimpin yang berkata yang berjanji untuk mendengar rintihan akarumbi... Dimanakah mereka...?

UMNO masih lagi dibuai kesenangan teguh memperkatakan kekuatan umno... dimanakah penyatuan... pemuda semakin berpecah. pemuda semakin hilang arah seperti anak kehilangan ibu.
Pucuk pimpinan masih lagi alpa dengan kemewahan.

Kami percaya hanya orang umno yang dapat memgubah keadaan ini... berbalik lah semula ke perjuangan asal....
Saya dan sahabat2 akan tetap berjuang untuk suara kami didengar... supaya kami dibawah dapat bersama2 memperjuangkan ahli2 dan juga keseluruhan orang melayu islam di rembau
adakah hanya kerana kami ingin perjuangkan hak dan suara kami.... kami perlu disisihkan... hanya kerana ingin melihat penyatuan orang melayu islam suara kami disekat.... kami bukan dari kalangan yang pandai membodek dan bukan dari ketuanan yes bos yang terpaksa mengikut segala arahan akur dan terima.
Pengundi muda semakin ramai... mereka semakin cerdik sebenarnya melihat suasana politik hari ini, pru 13 semakin ramai pengundi muda akan mengundi...
Usha mesti dilakukan sekarang... sebelum terlewat.
Kawan2 sahabat2 yang berjuang demi anak melayu islam kita yang makin tercabar, haruskah kita hanya melihat saja... perubahan mesti dilakukan.
Umno adalah paksi untuk kita bekerja, usha mesti diteruskan.

salam perjuangan.
Azman Mohd Sah

Kepada TUN perjuangan masih belum selesai... selagi anak bangsa belum bersatu....


zigzag said...

Salam sejahtera,
Terkejut?? tidak sama sekali....saya tidak terkejut Tun keluar dari UMNO,kerana Tun bukanlah seorang budak hingusan,atau Tun bukanlah seorang anak muda yg baru masuk UMNO tapi berlagak macam hero untuk memerintah dalam UMNO,tidak tau erti perjuangan,tp hendak bercakap ttg perjuangan, bersekongkol dgn ejen Singapore tp bercakap ttg ketuanan org melayu...buat malu aje.

Tapi Tun adalah nergarawan unggul,seorg yg disayangi kawan dan dihormati lawan,dah lama jd ahli UMNO,dah masak dgn keadaan UMNO,selama 22 tahun memerintah terlalu byk pembangunan yg kita telah kecapi dan nikmati,yg kita tidak boleh mempertikaikan kewibawaannya.Tun telah membawa dan mengharumkan nama Malaysia serata dunia.Memodenkan negara,menstabilkan ekonomi negara,dimasa dunia mengalami krisis keuwangan yg teruk pd masa itu.

Tun sudah semestinya memikirkan semasak2nya akibat dari keputusan keluar dari UMNO tersebut.Tun sudah semestinya meminta buah fikiran dan pendapat dari rakan2 seperjuangan dan panasihat2 beliau.Tun yg kita kenali sbg seorang yg tegas dlm setiap keputusannya,bukan mcm pepimpin itu yg hari ni kata lain besok kata lain,yg hari ni kata kerajaan setuju teruskan jambatan bengkok,besok kata kerajaan tak setuju pulak, yg hari ni kata parlimen tak akan dibubarkan, besok pagi nya kata parlimen dibubarkan, yg hari ni kata anak2nya tak terlibat dlm perniagaan di Malaysia, besok nya keluar dlm paper anaknya dpt projek monorel diPenang.

Tun keluar UMNO mesti bersebab, yg kita tidak harus lihat sbg isu remeh!! Isu ini harus kita fikirkan ,jgn anggap Mantan PM ini sbg duri dalam daging!!Walaupun Tun pernah buat kesilapan dlm pemerintahannya,tp jika dibandingkan dgn sumbangannya,mmg tidak boleh dipertikaikan. Jika pemimpin yg ada sekarang bersikap kurang ajar dgn Tun, jgn harap pemimpin hari ni akan dihormati oleh org muda pd masa depan.Jika kita boleh kurang ajar dgn org,maka pd masa depan org akan kurang ajar dgn kita pulak.

Yg membuatkan saya terkejut adalah sikap Paklah yg buat2 tak tahu, buat2 tak dengar, buat2 tak nampak apa yg telah berlaku pd UMNO sekarang ini,walaupun dia asyik cakap kita dengar suara akar umbi, kita tahu, kita nampak apa yg berlaku..tp Tun keluar dari UMNO memang tidak mengejutkan.

Renung2kan dan selamat beramal

my-fikirr menulis said...

Assalamualaikum Sdra Azman,

Saya baca posting Sdra dan izinkan saya memberi komen.

Mmg tiada siapa dapat nafikan Tun M berjasa besar kpd negara. Beliau telah memimpin negara ini dgn berbagai2 pencapaian yg telah dilakar. Adakalanya, pemikiran tajam beliau tak terjangkau dek akal kita. Tetapi, selalunya pd penghujungnya, kejayaan akan membuktikan yg beliau bertindak betul.

Saya masih ingat ketika beliau mengambil tindakan drastik menangani isu kegawatan ekonomi dek isu mata wang. Ramai yg tidak dpt memahaminya. Tetapi akhirnya, satu dunia memberi pengiktirafan kpdnya. Ini tak dpt dinafikan.

Yg paling saya kagumi ialah ketika beliau dgn lantang dan berani mengkritik satu bangsa yg paling berkuasa di dunia. Ramai di klgn pemimpin dunia menyedari tetapi tidak berani bersuara. Tetapi, Tun M seorg pemimpin Melayu jua yg tampil dgn kritikan terhadap bangsa tersebut. Saya berasa cukup bangga sebagai anak Melayu ketika itu.

Kalau saya nak catat kesemuanya di sini, mmg panjang berjela. Cukuplah kalau saya katakan jasanya tak terbalas di dlm memacu kejatian diri org Melayu khasnya, Msia amnya sepanjang kepimpinannya.

Keputusan Tun M mmg menyedihkan saya. Org lain juga begitu. Tapi, kita kena sentiasa menghormati hak masing2 membuat keputusan. Mesti beliau telah berfikir2 semasak2nya.

Yg lebih menyedihkan saya ialah sikap dan kritikan segelintir pemimpin yg 'tak seberapa jasanya', kpd beliau ekoran keputusannya itu. Duri dlm daging, nyanyuk, disloyal dll. Sdgkan Pak Lah sendiri yg menjadi sasaran pun tak sebegitu agresif memberi respon. Inilah org kata, lebih sudu dari kuah.

Kalau tak setuju, kata ajelah tak setuju. Jgn ikut jejak beliau. Tak perlulah menghentam org yang byk jasanya kpd negara. Musang berjanggut, bak kata Dato Rais Yatim.

Kpd Tun M, saya doakan kesejahteraan kpd beliau. Semoga masalah ini akan berakhir dgn baik. Air dicincang takkan putus.

Kpd pengkritik, sudah2lah. Tak layak anda utk mengkritik seorg negarawan, jika anda pun tak macam mana pun jasanya.

Kpd Sdra Azman, khusus di dlm hal penghargaan kpd Tun M, saya amat bersependapat dgn Sdra. Tahniah saya ucapkan kpd pemimpin muda spt anda yg sentiasa menghargai jasa pemimpin lama.

Dan bagi saya, wpun penghargaan kpd Tun M mmg tak terhingga, tetapi saya memutuskan untuk kekal di dalam parti Umno ini.

Semoga Umno akan bangkit semula di dlm berdepan dgn kemelut ini.

Sekian dulu saudara saya, Azman Md Sah.

Anonymous said...

It is blatantly obvious to everybody except Umno gangs. That is because they are corrupted, suffering from denial syndrome, regressive Muslims, low IQ and living in the past. They would rather see and prefer the nation going to the dogs than having meritocracy and doing away with NEP.

Otherwise, how does one explain the rot and malaise this country is suffering?

Anonymous said...

We are reminding Najib and Mahathir about this, that Malaysia is not an Islamic state and it is not in a social contract.

Malay Sakai, so please tell Badawi about it. Umno has always threatened the non-malays with riots and chaos. Nobody in Malaysia has started riots and chaos except for Umno.

Umno has a deep rooted tradition of starting riots and chaos when every time they can’t debate sensibly.

The social contract is there alright and many do not question it. But is the social contract followed according to the spirit or hijacked to the benefit of a few?

Just look at the number of huge projects that has failed is proof enough. Yet these are treated like normal - part of everyday happening.


All the social contract talk does not hold any water, when you have people in power, namely Umno abusing their power. In fact, they are indirectly telling you, that they have the right to abuse the power. Is this fair? Of course it is unfair. You don’t even need a social contract to tell you whether it is fair or not.

Social contract didn’t say that Malaysia is an Islamic state. On the contrary the social contract expressly stated that Malaysia was and is not an Islamic state.

Now the deliberate misinterpretation, apparently accepted by Umno, is that Malaysia (including Sabah and Sarawak) is an Islamic state!

Sabah and Sarawak would never have joined Malaysia if they had known that Malaysia will be deemed an Islamic state.

If the social contract meant that the non-malays would merely exchange the British masters for the malay masters, they would never have agreed to join the malays for independence.

What is the difference of having the British lording over the non-malays and having the malays doing the same to the non-malays! Probably worse. At least the British had some respect for fairness while the malays have none!

So to get independence, the malays needed the non-malays. Without the non-malays agreement, the British would not have granted independence. So, is that not also part of the social contract? It is not a one-sided malay right. The malays would not be where they are without the non-malays.

Anonymous said...

The truth hurts.

The Chinese or the yellow race is what brings progress. Just look at Asia……….is enough.

Whether they do it internationally or locally they will survive.

We can distinctly see the lowering of Malaysia standards of living as the percentage of Chinese in this country goes down.

In the 70s we were tops with 40 over percent of Chinese and today with only 25 percent we are far behind Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea.

Main reason is the number of such Chinese migrating to these countries - the best ones and rich ones.

Next ten years as the percentage goes even lower, we would be nearing Indonesia or Philippines.

Meanwhile enjoy your stay and the good time.

On the whole as the Chinese spreads out throughout the world, the average standards of these will have much higher standards of living over others.

Anonymous said...

I am utterly sickened by the deleterious and tirade spewed forth from the mouths of these Umno imbeciles. They certainly will not get my vote come this election. Such recalcitrants are incorrigible and their warped-minds will be their downfall, lest they sincerely repent.

Anonymous said...

In Malaysia, the Chinese are suppress. Yes, I think so too. Is not so much a matter, whether the rich Chinese entrepreneur made it, but is about our rights as a Malaysian citizen!

As a Malaysian citizen, don’t you think that we have the rights to affordable education like anyone else in the world? As a Malaysian citizen, don’t you think that we have the rights to assemble, protect our religion and voice our expression?

I can almost guarantee you that the Umno malays treat the Europeans and Japanese better that their own Malaysian Chinese.

Don’t the Umno government realize that there are many more Chinese entrepreneurs who didn’t made it! There are many who still live below poverty line with no education.

If you attend some of the Umno division meetings or Umno Youth meetings, the amount of Chinese bashing in the meeting is unbelievable.

But if the non-malays were to hold a meeting talking about non-malays rights such as citizen rights or religious rights, immediately Umno brand the non-malays as causing racial and religious tension.

If the malays can’t treat their own citizens fairly, how much respect do you think they will earn from the international community!

Obviously some leaders like Mahathir, don’t give a shit what international community think of Malaysians, until he needs money or trade, then he will start to bribe.

Robert Kuok, so called richest Malaysian has set up his head office in Hong Kong more than 20 years ago because he knew that he will never be able to expand his business had he continued in Malaysia.

Krishnan, spend most of his time in London. The richest Malaysians now are the AP kings and they are still growing. The malays already control 45% of the KLSE and had it counters like Carsberg, Genting, Guiness, Magnum, Toto, their market share is probably 55%.

Can we publish the names and identify all the nominees and settle the issue once and for all! The people who are suffering are all the poor irrelevant of race.

The malays have been so selfish. Chinese, Indians……….leave Malaysia if you don’t like it here that is what malays always say. Malays have to see the fact that they are also pendatang from Indonesia. Even Pakistanis with PR enjoy privileges like malays.

The Orang Asli have been always marginalised. Their option is convert to Islam to live like others. The malays have set in their mind Malaysia and everything belong to them.

Even Indonesia doesn’t have such racist category. Nowhere else in the world have bumi/non-bumi double standards citizenship. So what Lee Kuan Yew say is right.

You somebody miss the point here. You always look at the successful Chinese entrepreneur but you didn’t look at those non-successful one.

As for the malays, you don’t have to fight it out with other competitors. All you need is to join Umno and you will get government project. That in fact is the biggest corruption. The malays are usually the biggest corruptors in most government business.

Let us just say, all Chinese become Muslims. There will still be difference between Chinese and malays. I can still guarantee you that the Chinese will still be more successful, because we don’t sit under the coconut tree and hoping for coconut to fall. (As how the late Tunku Abdul Rahman describes the malays.)

Let me tell you, the Japanese, Koreans are also corrupt. But they are still more successful. Corruption is not the major hindrance of the progress for the race. It is the race’s self determination and initiative that decide the race progress.

NEP is the biggest legalise corruption practice ever establish in world history. Umno, in the name of malays protector, uses NEP to enrich their families and their friends.

If you are not one of them, malay dude, I pity you. But if you are a smart malay, you should be like Japanese.

Malays have dominated the police, army, government ministry, government projects and KLSE big capital companies. What else do you want? Bungalow house, Mercedes Bens and maybe a printing money machine.

Anonymous said...

Isn’t a shame to call it Islamic when the entire Umno regime is corrupted to the core and acts with impunity as though there is no God.

I would say Kelantan is more Islamic than the entire Umno regime.

This Umno regime violates every single injunction of God.

Anonymous said...

Malays are more suppressed in their own country by Umno than the suppression suffered by Chinese or Indians. For their pains they are offered the rotten carrots of Ketuanan Melayu and NEP.

The suppression of malays is deep and internal while the suppression of Chinese and Indians is only surface in terms of benefits and material things. That is why some Chinese have the cheek to say that NEP benefits them as it makes them stronger.

The suppression of malays is mental and spiritual enforced by KGB police type tactics. The suppression of malays may be an eternal and permanent one. Umno is a cancer to malay society.

Anonymous said...

True enough, Article 153 of the 1957 Federal Constitution does provide for the special position of Malays, natives of Sabah and Sarawak, and other marginalised groups.

However, what this special position means is open for debate.

Some believe it merely meant socio-economic position, one that changes dynamically and hence can be renegotiated.

Further, pre-independence documents - the Cobbold Commission Report, Federation of Malaya Constitutional Proposals and the Reid Commission Report - reveal that this position was meant to be temporary.

The “special right” of Malays was therefore understood not as a God-given mark, but recognition of socioeconomic status until such a time this could be elevated.

Anonymous said...

I am currently studying in the Australia, I grew up with the slogan "Malaysia Truly Asia" - however, this is not true, it seems more like "Australia Truly Asia" and let me explain why I think so - when I first landed here, I saw a multi-cultural society consisting of people from various ethnic backgrounds.

It doesn't even matter if the person has landed on the moon, you will only be awarded if you can prove that you deserve it. Your well being here depends on who you are (your personality), and what you can contribute!

Unlike Malaysia, where opportunities are given to the malays, regardless of what they are worth of. Shame! As a Malaysia citizen myself, I am ashamed to tell fellow Australia citizens that I am from Malaysia, because they all know that people like malays are given privileges.

The malays have no pride in themselves and that is why they will never ever be able to compete on a level playing field. There is so much discrimination among the other races that there is no sense of pride whatsoever in being a Malaysian.

Your eyes are open now because you are in the Australia. That is the difference between a developed country and a third world dump!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is good that China will one day become a superpower and I am very proud of it too - as a Chinese. That goes too for India and I am glad it too will become a superpower.

By the way, don't be a katak, many businessmen friends I have are already having trading relationships with China, Singapore etc. Most with China, it is good money there if one is careful and knows the opportunities.

We don't have to return there, we can go anywhere. Today is global you know. We return here for rest and visit friends.

Most make their money and keep outside the country - you know la to help the NEP. Not to have too much money in Malaysia to be counted as non-malay assets. Otherwise how can malays catch up with thousands of overseas Malaysian Chinese earning millions!

Mind you, many of those top graders who are working overseas are earning many times more! My own niece is making in the region of 100000 pound sterling per year at the age of only 30!

Actually Malaysian pay is very low compared to the West just like Indonesian pay is very much lower than Malaysian. So the lucky ones are enjoying their fruits of their labour.

It is ok, we are helping to ensure NEP a success by decrease our percentage of wealth.

Anonymous said...

It is undeniable that malays are stupid, incapable and lazy. Why don't they just humbly admit the facts and repent and learn from other races especially Chinese?

What is the point to argue here and wasting time again?

From the first onwards we were merely telling the truths. It wasn't us who think that way but their own Badawi as well.

All malays should go and read the newspaper, even Badawi is ashamed of maintaining the NEP after 34 years of implementing it and these malay baboons are still asking for it.

Even Badawi wanted them to compete on a level playing field.

So what does all these tell the world? It sends a very clear message that it is malays themselves who are incapable and lazy and they don't even want to admit it and make a change!

That is the biggest shame of all.

Can't you see, it is all back to square one. Year in, year out, some talk for half an hour, some one, some two. Some sing, many belt out their most recent released 'pantun'.

After all. Malays are good at that. Suggestions after suggestions, some good, some impossible to realize.

But, do you see any of these materialised? Hardly. Why, why and why???

Because the malays can never change. Never! Why?

The leaders forgot or were it they simply didn't want to address and admit that the actual disease is the malays and the remedy itself is also, the malays. They can never change. What is it about the malays?

Firstly as you all know, they are a lazy species. Since the beginning of time they have been like that. Even the encyclopedia called them as lazy people. I think those British with their accent tried to call them 'malas', and if you put 'y' in, it becomes 'malays'.

Embracing Islam make them a worse lot. Now they have a license to kill anything that gets into their way.

Malays are ungrateful lot. In reality, they just can't live or open their minds for others. When Mahathir said that they are complacent, they put him in jail. When Mahathir encouraged them to learn English language, they got angry with him, saying it is a 'bahasa penjajah'.

When other races 'maju', they got angry with them too. That was why at the end of Mahathir his regime, he said this, "I have achieved greatness as a prime minister, but I only fail in one thing, changing the malays."

Well, nothing to be surprised about anyway since Mahathir is not really a malay, and I guess that was why the malays were angry with him.

Drug abuse, hate, incest, liberal extremism (culture of miniskirts and gay marriages), murder, parochialism, racism, rape, religious fanaticism, snatch theft, spoilt-bratty behavior, tribalism, wife abuse, child abuse, all that is associated with the malay race.

To them, malay is the biggest impediment towards building a truly Malaysian nation, and should be chucked into the dustbins of history.

A genetically flawed race cannot be fixed by politically. Nature will take its course and globalization will put them out to pasture.

What have we got now?

Brain drain, economic disparity getting wider, poor education system, racial segregation, widespread corruption, inefficiency and uncompetitive on the government departments and others.

Sad. Sad. Sad. The question asked by many of my fellow Chinese is this - Why can't you just tell the malay peoples to adopt Chinese culture which is superior?

From research, this peninsular was part of the Siamese empire way before these malays from Indonesia invaded it.

Still so thick skin, don't want to go back to Indonesia!

Anonymous said...

Malaysia is slowly and surely turning into a very sick place. We must finish off Umno and its cronies to cure the country from this acute sickness.

azmanmdsah said...

kepada bloggers;

ada yang mengunakan ruangan ini hanya semata2 untuk menimbulkan kebencian dan cuba menghuru hara kan keadaan.

saya akan memadam komentar yang bersifat perkauman.

kita tidak pernah mempersoalkan kaum lain, perjuangan kita adalah untuk memajukan anak bangsa kita sendiri.

saya amat berharap pemuda kita sedar perlunya kita bersatu demi bangsa melayu.

salam bloggers

pakitam67 said...

Tak ado kor berito yg baru kek rombau nie... asyik2 den bukan blog nie posting yg lamo yor..
apo dah tak ado ideo laie kor?
atau dah dapek habuan projek atau mulut masing2 dah kono sumbek dgn duit

Anonymous said...

Sonyap yor nie jang!!!
apo dah jadi, byk bonar dapek projek Kurap Jantan bori?

Anonymous said...

Rakyat Patut Tukar Cara Hidup - gelak beb klau baca

kepada pak lah... PM kesayangan ku

saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepade pak lah kerana menaikkan rege minyak..
selepas ini apebile rege minyak naik.. rege barang yg lain akan naik..
saya akan merubah tabiat saya dari makan ikan kembung yg dah merah mate dan pecah perut kepade ikan kering sahaja..
saya sanggup berkorban untuk UMNO dan bn..
anak saye yg seramai 5 org itu boleh bekerje selepas waktu sekolah untuk membantu keluarga dan meneruskan tradisi menyokong UMNO dan bn
saya akan merubah bilik bilik yg ade di rumah saya untuk dijadikan tempat menternak ikan dan menanam sayur secare hidroponik
saya terpakse tanam dalam bilik kerna saya dok kat umah flat..
rebet yg diberikan kepade saya memang melebih dari keperluan saya..
apebile saya congak.. saya hanya menggunakan 20 sen aje duit minyak moto sehari.. ade untung 21 sen
saya tak pakai pon kete... sebab bile minyak naik.. saya kene jual datsun kotak mancis saya.. dapat gak duit..
anak anak saya, saya akan soh eksesais setiap hari dengan berjalan kaki atau naik beskal ke sekolah.. sejauh 5 km
walaupon saye berpendapatan rm 1000.. ia terlebih cukup untuk keluarga saya...

buat permulaan untuk merubah kehidupan saya..
saya tidak akan menggunakan gula... tak akan menggunakan tepung untuk buat jempot-jempot
akan menggantikan beras ngan ubi... setiap hari saya dan keluarga akan berpuasa (kecuali pade hari hari yg dilarang ajerk)
saya akan buat minyak masak sendiri
itu antara care saya merubah hidup..
ade banyak lagi care
semuanya kerna UMNO dan bn...

dan saya ingin meminta pak lah supaya menaikkan lagi rege minyak yg ade..
bukan tu ajerk.. diminta menaikkan lagi rege tol kerna org sebelah rumah saya nih org pembangkang dia selalu ikut highway, bior padan ngan muke dia.

mungkin pak lah boleh melawat saya dan bersedekah kepade saya sehelai kain pelikat dekat-dekat pilihanraya nanti..
insyaallah kain pelikat itu saya akan framekan dan gantung dirumah.. tapi jangan lupa.. pak lah tandatangan yerk..!

jgn lupe pak lah.. naikkan lagi rege minyak..
jgn turun kan gaji menteri menteri dan tuan penasihat 25%..
saya tetap akan menyokong pak lah..

akhir kata bior pak lah senang, janji kami susah.. hidup UMNO, hidup bn..

sekian terima kasih..

ps/ sampaikan salam saye pade KJ dan patrik badawi.. dan tak lupe gak tuan punya syarikat scomi

pecah kaca, pecah gelas,
sudah baca, harap balas.

Anonymous said...

New Cabinet:

Prime Minister - Anwar

Deputy Prime Minister - Lim Kit Siang

Agriculture Minister -

Community Minister -

Culture Minister - Farish Noor

Defence Minister - Azmin Ali

Education Minister - Nga Kor Ming

Environment Minister - Teresa Kok

Finance Minister - Tony Pua

Foreign Minister - Ramasamy

Health Minister - Tan Seng Giaw

Home Minister -

Information Minister - Jeff Ooi

Law Minister - Teng Chang Khim

Manpower Minister -

Sports Minister -

Technology Minister - Nizar

Trade Minister - Khalid

Transport Minister - Liew Chin Tong

Tourism Minister -

Berita dari gunung said...

sdr romsan.

Mohamad Hassan MB Negeri Sembilan masa peringkat awal pegang jawatan, dekat nak habis portfolio exco yang utama dibolotnya... itu baru portfolio, yang lain entahlah. Mad Nor yang kalah hari tu tentu boleh maklum lanjut.

Abang MB pun boleh cerita. Adik MB pun boleh cerita. Orang kuat Lenggeng lagi banyak cerita!